
My grandmother passed away on August 28, 2021. A few months later I moved into her flat. No renovation had been done in it, the old Soviet furniture, wiring, and the bathroom were still there. I did not radically change anything. Having lived in this flat for almost three years, from time to time I came across artefacts left by my grandmother, and the combination of the old interior and my modern appliances amused me. It felt like we were living together. As a child Granny would stay with me when my parents were busy. We would play, she would make up stories. Towards the end of her life she was struggling with dementia and often didn’t recognise me. As it happens we don’t have many photos of us together. Soon I will be leaving and the flat will be taken over by new tenants who will change everything. I want to keep the memory of my grandmother and of this end of our life together.

Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin
Granny. Igor Skabelin